SWOL has served hundreds of underserved immigrant youth, and received volumes of letters and positive feedback from school staff and students. Guidance from a caring adult moves students from fear to hope. A safe place to share during our “family meetings” within a school-based support system improves student’s prospects and attitudes. Long-term access to resources boosts resilience and perseverance. Information empowers students to make positive choices.
Community Impact of Vision
- Students who do not qualify for services have access to resources.
- SWOL’s programs lessen the burdens of schools that are already overwhelmed while providing collaborative efforts of students, family, school and community.
- SWOL’s programs offer earlier and proactive intervention in the lives of at-risk youth.
- SWOL’s programs increase and enhance mental health, educational and support services for youth.
Why Do SWOL’s Programs Work So Well?
- We have a genuine love and dedication for marginalized students
- We foster a trusting, family atmosphere within our student groups
- SWOL’S founder and program facilitator is an attorney and former at-risk youth
- SWOL’s workshops are known for their energetic positivity that gives students hope and raises self-esteem
- Information and resources are conveniently brought to students within their schools
- Students are provided with an easy-to-remember method for addressing issues
- SWOL is a small, grass roots organization that offers quality personal support
- SWOL’s goal is to treat the whole person, as opposed to one aspect of students’ lives
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